
path: root/
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authorBjörn Persson <bjorn@rombobjö>2010-01-04 23:45:43 +0000
committerBjörn Persson <bjorn@rombobjö>2010-01-04 23:45:43 +0000
commitc362ad36de4002064ffbf0bd3c187c6857cc6795 (patch)
tree709b35f0f2ddd6e6d8467783b4dbbfa926b80b8b /
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
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index 0000000..3e37163
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+-- Milter API for Ada, a binding to Libmilter, the Sendmail mail filtering API
+-- Copyright 2009 B. Persson,
+-- This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published
+-- by the Free Software Foundation.
+with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
+with Interfaces.C.Strings;
+with Interfaces.C.Pointers;
+package Milter_API is
+ --
+ -- Version numbers
+ --
+ type Binding_Version_Type is record
+ Specification_Major : Positive;
+ Specification_Minor : Positive;
+ Implementation : Positive;
+ end record;
+ function Binding_Version return Binding_Version_Type;
+ -- Binding_Version returns the version of Milter_API that the program is
+ -- linked with. If it is dynamically linked, then this is the version that
+ -- is loaded at run time.
+ -- The fields in the result are:
+ -- · Specification_Major: incremented for each new major version of the
+ -- Milter_API specification (this file).
+ -- · Specification_Minor: incremented when changes are made to the
+ -- specification and the major version number cannot be incremented.
+ -- · Implementation: incremented for each new version of Milter_API
+ -- when the specification is unchanged.
+ function Binding_Version_String return String;
+ -- Binding_Version_String returns the same version information as
+ -- Binding_Version, but in string form.
+ --
+ -- Data types and constants
+ --
+ type SMFICTX_Pointer is private;
+ -- SMFICTX_Pointer is the type of the opaque context pointers that Libmilter
+ -- passes to the callback routines, and that these in turn must pass to the
+ -- data access and message handling routines.
+ type Milter_Data is limited interface;
+ type Milter_Data_Pointer is access all Milter_Data'Class;
+ pragma Convention(C, Milter_Data_Pointer);
+ -- In order to keep some data between callback invocations, the milter must
+ -- derive a type from Milter_Data and allocate one object of that type for
+ -- each SMTP session. The pointer to that object must be stored with
+ -- Set_Private_Data and retrieved with Private_Data.
+ type Action is private;
+ -- Action is returned by callback routines. The value is an instruction to
+ -- the MTA on how to proceed with the message or connection.
+ Continue : constant Action;
+ -- Continue processing the message/connection.
+ Reject : constant Action;
+ -- Reject the message/connection.
+ -- No further routines will be called for this message
+ -- (or connection, if returned from a connection-oriented routine).
+ Discard : constant Action;
+ -- Accept the message,
+ -- but silently discard the message.
+ -- No further routines will be called for this message.
+ -- This is only meaningful from message-oriented routines.
+ Accept_Definitely : constant Action;
+ -- Accept the message/connection.
+ -- No further routines will be called for this message
+ -- (or connection, if returned from a connection-oriented routine;
+ -- in this case, it causes all messages on this connection
+ -- to be accepted without filtering).
+ Fail_Temporarily : constant Action;
+ -- Return a temporary failure, i.e.,
+ -- the corresponding SMTP command will return a 4xx status code.
+ -- In some cases this may prevent further routines from
+ -- being called on this message or connection,
+ -- although in other cases (e.g., when processing an envelope
+ -- recipient) processing of the message will continue.
+ type Sockaddr is private;
+ type Arguments_Handle is private;
+ type Unbounded_Strings is
+ array(Positive range <>) of Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
+ --
+ -- Callback types
+ --
+ type Connect_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Client_Name : String; -- the name of the client
+ Client_Address : Sockaddr) -- the address of the client
+ return Action;
+ -- called at the start of each SMTP connection
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_connect
+ -- Client_Name is the host name of the client, as determined by a reverse
+ -- lookup on the host address. Client_Address describes the client's endpoint
+ -- of the SMTP connection. The means to access the contents of Client_Address
+ -- are not implemented.
+ type Helo_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Stated_Name : String) -- what the client sent as parameter to
+ -- the HELO or EHLO command
+ return Action;
+ -- called when the client sends a HELO or EHLO command
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_helo
+ type Envelope_Sender_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Sender : String; -- the envelope sender address
+ Arguments : Arguments_Handle) -- ESMTP arguments to the MAIL command
+ return Action;
+ -- called once at the beginning of each message
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_envfrom
+ type Envelope_Recipient_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Recipient : String; -- an envelope recipient address
+ Arguments : Arguments_Handle) -- ESMTP arguments to the RCPT command
+ return Action;
+ -- called once per recipient
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_envrcpt
+ type Data_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer) -- the opaque context handle
+ return Action;
+ -- called when the client sends the DATA command
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_data
+ type Unknown_Command_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Command : String) -- the unknown command including arguments
+ return Action;
+ -- called if the client sends an SMTP command that is either unknown or not
+ -- implemented by the MTA
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_unknown
+ type Header_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Name : String; -- the name of the header
+ Value : String) -- the content of the header
+ return Action;
+ -- called once per message header
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_header
+ type End_Of_Headers_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer) -- the opaque context handle
+ return Action;
+ -- called after all headers have been processed
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_eoh
+ type Body_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Body_Chunk : String) -- a piece of the message body
+ return Action;
+ -- called zero or more times between End_Of_Headers_Handler and
+ -- End_Of_Message_Handler
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_body
+ type End_Of_Message_Handler is access function
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer) -- the opaque context handle
+ return Action;
+ -- called at the end of a message
+ -- This is the place to call message modification procedures.
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_eom
+ type Abort_Handler is access procedure
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer); -- the opaque context handle
+ -- called at any time during message processing if the message is aborted
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_abort
+ type Close_Handler is access procedure
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer); -- the opaque context handle
+ -- called once at the end of each connection
+ -- corresponds to xxfi_close
+ --
+ -- Exceptions
+ --
+ Failure : exception;
+ -- A call to an API procedure failed.
+ -- (The corresponding C function returned MI_FAILURE.)
+ Unknown_Error : exception;
+ -- A C function returned an undocumented result code.
+ --
+ -- Library control procedures
+ --
+ procedure Register
+ (Name : String;
+ Connected : Connect_Handler := null;
+ Helo : Helo_Handler := null;
+ Envelope_Sender : Envelope_Sender_Handler := null;
+ Envelope_Recipient : Envelope_Recipient_Handler := null;
+ Data : Data_Handler := null;
+ Unknown_Command : Unknown_Command_Handler := null;
+ Header : Header_Handler := null;
+ End_Of_Headers : End_Of_Headers_Handler := null;
+ Body_Chunk : Body_Handler := null;
+ End_Of_Message : End_Of_Message_Handler := null;
+ Aborted : Abort_Handler := null;
+ Closed : Close_Handler := null;
+ May_Add_Headers : Boolean := False;
+ May_Change_Or_Delete_Headers : Boolean := False;
+ May_Replace_Body : Boolean := False;
+ May_Add_Recepients : Boolean := False;
+ May_Remove_Recepients : Boolean := False;
+ May_Quarantine : Boolean := False);
+ -- Register must be called exactly once before Main. It registers the
+ -- callbacks and properties of the milter (calls smfi_register).
+ procedure Set_Timeout(Timeout : Natural);
+ -- Set_Timeout should only be called before Main. It sets the number of
+ -- seconds Libmilter will wait for an MTA connection before timing out a
+ -- socket (calls smfi_settimeout).
+ procedure Set_Connection_Queue_Length(Length : Positive);
+ -- Set_Connection_Queue_Length should only be called before Main. It
+ -- sets the number of incoming connections to allow in the listen queue
+ -- (calls smfi_setbacklog).
+ procedure Set_Socket(Address : String);
+ -- Set_Socket must be called once before Main. It specifies the socket
+ -- through which the milter should communicate with the MTA (calls
+ -- smfi_setconn).
+ procedure Open_Socket(Remove_Old_Socket : Boolean);
+ -- Open_Socket should only be called before Main. It creates the socket
+ -- specified previously by a call to Set_Socket (calls smfi_opensocket).
+ -- This allows the calling application to ensure that the socket can be
+ -- created. If the socket is specified as a Unix domain socket and
+ -- Remove_Old_Socket is true, then Libmilter will try to remove any existing
+ -- socket before creating a new one.
+ -- If Open_Socket is not called, then Main will create the socket.
+ procedure Main;
+ -- Hands control to the Libmilter event loop (calls smfi_main).
+ procedure Set_Debug_Level(Level : Natural);
+ -- Set_Debug_Level may be called from any routine at any time. It changes
+ -- Libmilter's internal debug logging level (calls smfi_setdbg). A value of
+ -- zero turns off debug logging. The greater the value the more detailed the
+ -- logging.
+ procedure Stop;
+ -- Stop may be called from any of the callback routines or any error-handling
+ -- routines at any time. It tells Libmilter to shut down the milter (calls
+ -- smfi_stop).
+ --
+ -- Data access subprograms
+ --
+ function Arguments(Handle : Arguments_Handle) return Unbounded_Strings;
+ -- Converts the ESMTP arguments to a MAIL or RCPT command into an array of
+ -- unbounded strings.
+ procedure Get_Symbol_Value
+ (Context : in SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Name : in String; -- the name of the requested symbol
+ Defined : out Boolean; -- whether the requested symbol exists
+ Value : out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String);
+ -- Requests the value of a symbol ("macro") from the MTA. Value is
+ -- meaningful only if Defined is True.
+ procedure Set_Private_Data
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Data : Milter_Data_Pointer); -- pointer to private data
+ -- Sets the private data pointer to be returned by future calls to
+ -- Private_Data for this connection (calls smfi_setpriv).
+ function Private_Data
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer) -- the opaque context handle
+ return Milter_Data_Pointer;
+ -- Retrieves the private data pointer previously stored with Set_Private_Data
+ -- for this connection (calls smfi_getpriv).
+ subtype String_Of_Three is String(1..3);
+ procedure Set_Reply
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Reply_Code : String_Of_Three; -- three-digit (RFC 2821) reply code
+ Extended_Code : String := ""; -- extended (RFC 2034) reply code
+ Message : String := ""); -- the text part of the reply
+ -- Sets the reply codes and message to be used in subsequent SMTP error
+ -- replies caused by the milter (calls smfi_setreply).
+ -- There is no interface to smfi_setmlreply yet.
+ --
+ -- Message modification procedures
+ --
+ -- These procedures may only be called from a callback function registered as
+ -- End_Of_Message.
+ procedure Add_Header
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Name : String; -- the header field name
+ Value : String); -- the header field body
+ -- Adds a header field to the current message (calls smfi_addheader).
+ procedure Change_Header
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Name : String; -- the header field name
+ Index : Positive; -- index among headers with the same name
+ Value : String); -- the new header field body
+ -- Replaces the header field body of the specified header field in the
+ -- current message (calls smfi_chgheader). Index specifies which of the
+ -- headers with the name Name shall be changed.
+ procedure Delete_Header
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Name : String; -- the header field name
+ Index : Positive); -- index among headers with the same name
+ -- Removes the specified header field from the current message (calls
+ -- smfi_chgheader with headerv set to null).
+ procedure Insert_Header
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Index : Positive; -- index among all headers
+ Name : String; -- the header field name
+ Value : String); -- the header field body
+ -- Adds a header field at a specified position in the current message
+ -- (calls smfi_insheader). Index specifies where in the list of headers it
+ -- shall be inserted. 1 makes it the first header, 2 the second and so on.
+ procedure Add_Recipient
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Address : String); -- the new recipient's address
+ -- Adds a recepient address to the envelope of the current message (calls
+ -- smfi_addrcpt).
+ procedure Delete_Recipient
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Address : String); -- the recipient address to be removed
+ -- Removes the specified recepient address from the envelope of the current
+ -- message (calls smfi_delrcpt).
+ procedure Replace_Body
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Data : String); -- the new message body
+ -- Replaces the body of the current message (calls smfi_replacebody). If
+ -- called more than once, subsequent calls append data to the new body.
+ --
+ -- Other message handling procedures
+ --
+ -- These procedures may only be called from a callback function registered as
+ -- End_Of_Message.
+ procedure Report_Progress
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer); -- the opaque context handle
+ -- Notifies the MTA that the milter is still working on a message (calls
+ -- smfi_progress).
+ procedure Quarantine_Message
+ (Context : SMFICTX_Pointer; -- the opaque context handle
+ Reason : String); -- the quarantine reason
+ -- Quarantines the current message (calls smfi_quarantine).
+ type Dummy_Type is null record;
+ type SMFICTX_Pointer is access Dummy_Type;
+ pragma convention(C, Dummy_Type);
+ pragma convention(C, SMFICTX_Pointer);
+ type Action is range 0 .. 10;
+ Continue : constant Action := 0;
+ Reject : constant Action := 1;
+ Discard : constant Action := 2;
+ Accept_Definitely : constant Action := 3;
+ Fail_Temporarily : constant Action := 4;
+ All_Options : constant Action := 10;
+ type Sockaddr is null record;
+ -- Accessing socket addresses isn't implemented. The type is declared just
+ -- so that there's a chance that the API will be compatible if this gets
+ -- implemented in the future.
+ use Interfaces.C;
+ use Interfaces.C.Strings;
+ type chars_ptr_array is array(size_t range <>) of aliased chars_ptr;
+ -- This type definition can be removed if and when Interfaces.C.Strings gets
+ -- updated to conform to Ada 2005.
+ package String_Arrays is
+ new Interfaces.C.Pointers(Index => size_t,
+ Element => chars_ptr,
+ Element_Array => chars_ptr_array,
+ Default_Terminator => Null_Ptr);
+ type Arguments_Handle is record
+ Pointer : String_Arrays.Pointer;
+ end record;
+end Milter_API;