-- This is a simple test program for testing System_Log. -- Copyright 2009 - 2017 B. Persson, Bjorn@Rombobeorn.se -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published -- by the Free Software Foundation. with System_Log; use System_Log; procedure Test_System_Log is begin Open_Log("Test_System_Log", User, Standard_Error_Too => True, Include_PID => True); Log(Info, "This is a test message on the info level."); Log(Debug, "This is a test message on the debug level."); Set_Log_Threshold(Info); Log(Debug, "This test message is below the threshold and shouldn't be seen."); Log(Info, "This test message is above the threshold and should be seen."); Log(Local5, Info, "This is a test message logged as the Local5 facility."); end Test_System_Log;